
The Power of Cryptocurrencies in the Digital Age

The Power of Cryptocurrencies in the Digital Age

With the digitalization of the world economies in the last 10 years, ‘cryptocurrency’ discussions have started to surface. As digitalization quickly proved its presence in our daily lives, digital payment developments also accelerated. Financial Planner and Anatolia Global Chairman Serdar Karasoy informed us about the future and power of cryptocurrencies.

What is Cryptocurrency and How is it Produced?

Stating that cryptocurrency is a digitalized, encrypted virtual currency, Serdar Karasoy also says that it is the currency of the future. It is a digital barter system without any physical equivalent. Today, it has attracted the attention of everyone from large companies to heads of state all over the world. Cryptocurrency is completely virtual, like credit or debit card transactions, but at the end of the transaction, changes occur from the system data. However, cryptocurrencies are not managed by an authority or government, which makes them more secure. Cryptocurrency production is entirely user-based. Cryptocurrencies have production limits. The production process is through non-physical mining. You can make encrypted (crypto) coins by solving math operations.

Is Cryptocurrency Reliable?

One of the most important problems with traditional payment systems is the possibility of spending the same money twice. In the traditional method, a record of transactions is kept to prevent this. Thanks to the banks in charge of making this record, all capital is controlled by large authorities. This reduces trustworthiness. In cryptocurrencies, such as Bitcoin, each part of the system must give its approval for transactions to take place. Transactions are created through the blockchain and everyone can see these transactions. Then the recipient address information and the amount of money sent are determined and the exchange or shipment process takes place. The miners then solve cryptographic puzzles to confirm the transaction.

You can get detailed information by asking Anatolia Global DMCC / SK Investment Financial Advisors. You can see our works in the Investments section. Contact us now for the right investment

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